Barbie Day
Saturday, 09 March 2019
- Published in Calendar
Angry Toon Video Edit
Tuesday, 12 February 2019
- Published in Uncategorized
Friday, 20 April 2018
When making a video for your company it can be hard to decide what to put in and what to leave out. This infographic from One Productions’ looks at how you can find the ideal length for your next video and even breaks it down by industry. The key point is that 56% of videos published
- Published in Infographic, Tips
If a Picture is Worth 1000 Words, Then a Video is Priceless!
Monday, 25 December 2017
Here are several stats from the infographic below to help you sell this idea to your boss using your own video in your next online marketing campaign: The average Internet user is exposed to 32.2 videos in a month. The average Internet user watches nearly 17 minutes of online video ads every month. 80% remember the ads
- Published in Tips
Using Social Media to Promote Video Content
Wednesday, 06 December 2017
Are you producing entertaining videos for your business, but frustrated about how to get more people to see them? It could be that you are not using your social media accounts in the most effective way. A great video should not have a hard time finding an audience. If your videos are languishing online,
- Published in Tips
10 Tips for Creating a Great “How-To” Video
Wednesday, 06 December 2017
One of the most effective ways to use video to promote your business is to make a how-to or explainer video. For the most part, customers are not going to watch a long sales pitch. They might sit through a 30 second pitch if you make it entertaining or interesting enough, but if you
- Published in Tips